
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Birthday Letter


You came to me 7 years ago and my world hasn’t been the same since then. I’ve been thinking of the best words to use to explain my love for you and there are none that come to mind. Not one metaphor or simile perfectly explains the love I have for you. The best I can up with is for you to imagine all the stars in the night sky (there are a lot) and multiply them by the biggest number you know. When you have that number, just know that you’re not even close.

You’ll know one day.

One thing I can tell you for sure is that you are on this planet for a reason. Before God placed you in my womb, He knew of the great things you would and will do. The people you will touch and the lives you will change. I know you’re only seven and the world is so big to you. Remember to slow down and appreciate the little miracles around you. Pick flowers. Make new friends. Tell a story. Watch the sun set.  

Your creator speaks to you in the softest of ways. When you slow down, you can appreciate the rainy days. You start to recognize even the smallest of blessings. This world is a beautiful place. Take care of it.  

Sadly, the world can also be ugly. There is pain. And sadness. And heartbreak. And betrayal. Don’t worry. You have something that conquers them all.

You have love.

Love is greater than all of it. It comes in many shapes and sizes. Love can be smiling at a stranger, holding the door for someone, or even sending a friend a note. Love is forgiveness. Love is hard. Love is grace. Everyone needs it. Love is random. It is strong.  Sometimes when you find yourself in really dark places, dig deep, and you’ll find that love is the light. We know how to love because God showed us how. You are love. Be that love to those around you.

Lastly, don’t ever forget that you were created by God. He is bigger and greater than all things that you could ever imagine. The best news is, He loves you more than you’ll ever know.

Think of Him as your King, and yourself as his princess. He created you as this graceful person.  You are so intelligent and your sense of humor is amazing. He made you to be brave and to make a difference. You only have one job in his kingdom and that’s to glorify him. Treat others with kindness and turn to Him for all your needs. Serve those around you. Always turn your heart to Him.

I love the way you wrestle with your daddy. I love the way you read stories to your sister. I love how you've become such a strong soccer player. I love how you try new things. The crinkle in your nose when you make funny faces is beautiful.
Little Miss, our days together aren’t always easy. Sometimes it gets really rough. Sometimes I cry when I feel that I’ve failed you. Sometimes I get mad at you for things, and realize your habits are like mine.  I just want you to know that every moment that we have, the days we read in the grass, the days we are running late to a soccer game, the nights we lay snuggling in bed or arguing about your homework, are worth it.

I wouldn’t trade you for all the oceans and the lands they lead to. Your smile is my sunshine and there is no doubt in my mind that I am blessed to have you. I pray you change this world. . . I know you will. Happy Birthday.

Love always,


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