
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Dads were Boys

Dads . . .

·         watch as you enter the world

·         cut the rope connecting you to the womb and smile a smile that says “I’m yours”

·         hold your hand

·          tuck you in and  kiss you goodnight

·         dance with you

·         tell you you’re beautiful

·         threaten boys that tell you the same

·         sneak you cookies when mommy says no

·         leave love notes in your lunchbox

·         record your dance recitals and share them with the world

·         dry your tears

·         tell you that the stars don’t shine as bright as you do

·         fight monsters in the closet

·         fight monsters in the real world

·         pick you up and throw you to the moon

·         read to you and listen when it’s your turn

·         meet the teacher

·         listen to your dreams

·         help you count the stars

·         take you to the beach

·         let you stay up past your bedtime to watch wrestling

·         make you promise to wait

·         walk you down the aisle when you do

There is a little girl inside

She’s still waiting on her bike

Because he promised

And Dads keep their promises

She cries

But the little girl soon learns

That all Dads were boys

Boys who needed their dads

Dads. . .

are forgiven



  1. Beautiful sweet sister. Beautiful.

    1. Annie,
      Thank you so much for taking the time to read it. Your small gesture means a lot to me.
