
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Brave Enough to Love

As a momma of two girls, I've learned that no two children are alike. As Baby Miss approaches the 'wonderful' age of two, her personality is slowly being brought to the surface. Our seven year old,  Little Miss enjoys cuddling and reading books in the cozy corner of the couch, while Baby Miss prefers to wrestle and play games. It may take Little Miss a second at first, but she eventually warms up to people and leads with her heart. She enjoys making new friends. Baby Miss is a lot like The Hubster, if she doesn't know you, she would prefer you stay away. In other words she is not a 'hugger' and enjoys her own space.

I'm now in my fifth year of teaching and find that the same rings true for my students. My class of 25 embodies so many different personalities. Some are quirky, and some are quiet. Some are wordy, and some are witty. Some are shy, and some are showstoppers. Some would read the entire time if I let them, and some groan when asked to take out their book. They have different talents and different gifts. While it is difficult to address all their needs, I make it an effort to find out who they are as people. I love to sit and chat about their weekends and find out about their dreams. Connecting is important. Relationships are vital. This isn't always easy though, especially with students that have behavior issues.

I find though, the ones that seem to be the most difficult to love, need it the most. So as we embark on a new journey of school this week, I'm praying for patience. I'm praying for the ability to be Jesus even in the most difficult of situations. I'm praying for courage to love and connect, even when it seems impossible.

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