
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Brave Enough to Find Beauty

I was typing a paper for grad school this past Sunday, yes on the day it was due, and had the OWN network playing in the background. It just so happened to be an episode of Super Soul Sunday with Elizabeth Gilbert, author of  Eat, Pray, Love.  I haven't read the book, but I've seen the movie with Julia Roberts and fell in love.

While typing away (and scrolling through Instagram), she said something that peaked my interest. She spoke of the time she was at her lowest in life. She had just finalized a divorce and found herself alone and penniless in the middle of New York City. In the deepest pit of her pain, she made a decision before going home. She decided to go on a quest to find something beautiful before she walked through her front door. As soon as she left the courthouse, she looked across the street and witnessed 5 elephants, her favorite animal. There were dancers that rode them adorned in beautiful dresses and jewels. She learned later that they were there for the circus in town, but at that moment, they were there for her. Elizabeth explained to Oprah that quests come in many different shapes and sizes. Some quests may involve traveling to India and searching your soul for it's purpose. Some quests involve finding one simple thing to be thankful for. No two quests are alike. However, I believe every quest requires bravery.  Every quest requires intention.

Her words weighed heavy on my heart and I decided that for five days I would try to do just that. To embark on a quest in my time gifted to me to find something beautiful. I would be brave enough to look past the stress of work, the anxieties of bills, and the demands of simply living with my head above water, to find something beautiful. I believe that takes strength. . . it takes bravery.

Gifts of beauty can come in the form of words, actions, things we see, or even feel. They may range from witnessing a baby take it's first step, a spouse asking for forgiveness, a blooming flower you spot on your walk. No matter how big or small the beautiful, my quest is to be still enough to notice.

Join me in finding the beauty in each day. Use #ABRAVEQUESTFORBEAUTY on Instagram.

I can't wait to see what you find on your quest to be brave.


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