
Monday, March 17, 2014

'Lucky' to Have Little Miss

Little Miss and I had a Mommy-Daughter date yesterday. The Hubster and Baby Miss laid down for a nap and it was the perfect time. I was tired as a dog. I had a busy weekend and there was a spot on the bed calling my name. But, if you tell Little Miss you're gonna do something, you better do it. That child forgets nothing. She's currently learning time in school, so "5 more minutes" no longer means "I just bought at least half an hour", it means"5 more minutes".

I've been making it a personal goal to spend one on one time with each of the girls once a month. I've learned that having two children is a different world. It's important that in all my craziness, they feel that they have a relationship with me. Mommy-Daughter dates give me a chance to dig deep into what's going on in their lives (even if Baby Miss' attention span is 20 seconds). I can do this in simple ways. Either by having story time and counting to five with the babes or reading in the grass with the 1st grader.

In honor of St. Patrick's day, we decided to get a little festive. We grabbed some things we already had around the house and picked up some masks and glitter from the store. We spent about 7 bucks on the total date. Our first activity was a craft. I meant to go on Pinterest and find something extraordinarily cute, but it never happened. However, we came up with a craft on our own and it all worked out. We decided to create a rainbow and then write why we were 'lucky' to have each other.

"I'm lucky to be your daughter because you are beautiful, can rock those glasses, are great at singing, and are a great teacher"

I'm really not that great of a singer. :)
After the craft, we did some facial masks. I was a little worried because, we've never done a paper mask before. They were pretty cool though. The package said they had at least 80% natural ingredients so I felt pretty safe putting it on her face. We turned off the lights and laid on the couch as if we were in a spa. Within a minute she says her lip was burning. All I could think was, "It's the 20%, the 20%!!! No wonder they were on clearance!" Apparently, her face isn't big enough, so the mask was on her top lip. I guess she felt the tingle that was meant for her face. Next time, momma will be the guinea pig and test it on herself first. Good news, she still has her top lip. Despite the small scare, our faces felt like Baby Miss' bottom. I used the lemon one, and the citrus smell was amazing.  

Finally, we painted our nails. There is something so therapeutic about nail painting and coloring.

I figured this would be the perfect time to find out what goes on in my crazy almost 7 year old's head.
"How is school going?"
"How do you feel you are doing with your grades?"
"Not bad, I got one M (met) on my test, that's like a B, soooo. . ."
"That's not bad. How did you feel about it?"
"Well, I'd prefer A's but. . . "
"Why, do you prefer A's?"
"Because if I get all the answers right, I can help other students who don't. Like when I was in Kindergarten and there were kids who couldn't spell the words 'I' and 'A' (shocked look on her face), I helped them."
"I've seen you, you are a great helper."
*Painting the other hand*
"What do you think is the most beautiful part about you?"
"Ummmm, My eyes"
"Really? Why?"
"Well, because Mrs. P. gave me 5 compliments on them. She always does."
"Well, even if you don't receive compliments, you need to know that you're beautiful all over. . . inside and out"
(shrugs shoulders)"Yea, I know"
Our date ended with the yawning of the Hubster coming down the stairs and pitter patter of Baby Miss' feet before him. We only had an hour. In my life that's currently filled with personal projects and never ending responsibilities at work, it was nice to be still for a change. Our date enabled me to listen to her share her feelings about her 'bestest' friend and be reminded that behind her third grade reading level and sassy ways,  she's only six and still believes in leprechauns.  It made my day. . . I'm the lucky one.
Do you have any date  ideas that you do with your children?  Leave a comment below.
Until we land again,




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