
Friday, March 21, 2014

Hello, Spring!

The first time I created a seasonal bucket list was last summer. Funds were tight while my husband was searching for a teaching position and I needed to find fun, inexpensive things for us to do. Dollar movies and picnics were not only friendly to the wallet, but also brought us closer together. Having a list of things to do based on the season became exciting. I’ve been making one every season ever since.

Yesterday was the first day of spring and I’m sure that every body and their momma in the south was happy about that. There were fourth graders that actually did a countdown to the exact first minute of spring with their teacher during lunch. They ran outside to recess like their bottoms were on fire, praising the sunlight. I’m looking forward to warmer days and pretty sights myself.


2014 Spring Bucket List

§  Plant a plant or flower (And actually take care of it)

§  Have a picnic

§  Take a bike ride/ family walk

§  Easter Egg Hunt

§  Paint and decorate eggs

§  Tell one friend about Jesus

§  Visit the Farmer’s Market

§  Try a new recipe (Using an ingredient from the Farmer’s Market)

§  Visit a Museum

§  Create a spring craft

§  Sail paper boats

§  Make a smoothie

§  Blow bubbles

§  Feed the ducks

§  Find a rainbow

I’m most excited about having a picnic. Sitting in the grass has been one of my favorite things to do lately.  What’s one thing on your bucket list this spring?

Until we land again,


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