
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Brave Enough to Be a Bridesmaid

I still have yet to manage to wake up an hour earlier than usual to start my day, but I did wake up 30 minutes earlier today. (Baby steps.) That beats yesterday's 10 minutes. Whoop whoop!

This morning I had my tea and opened up to where I left off in my She Reads Truth study of Open the Bible.  I read Day 12 which was about applying the Word responsibly. The author, Rebecca Faires, compared being a bridesmaid and helping the bride prepare for the day she meets her husband, to our responsibility of applying scripture to our lives and supporting those around us. She says it's not about us. And it isn't. Rebecca explains that the women in our life are the Bride of Christ. It is our job to comfort, encourage, and speak truthfully.  A friend of hers says this is how we should be with all women in our lives.

I don't know about you but as I learn more about the Word and grow in my relationship with Christ, I love to think about how his lessons or teachings apply to me. The She Reads Truth studies have inspired me to pray before and after I read the Bible, so when I read this, my heart searched for application. Sometimes it takes time. Days later a light bulb will go off and I'll say, "Oh! That's what He was trying to tell me." However, this morning, it was plain as day.

I took some time and reflected on my friendships. Some have recently fizzled out and I've learned that's okay. Some people are in your life for only a season..we grow and we change. I also thought about the relationships that have had rough patches. I thought about my actions and theirs. I thought about how I tried to solve it or if I did at all. When I'm offended, mistreated, or hurt, I'm known to put up a wall.  A brick, concrete, bullet-proof wall. Nothing tears it down. The study this morning reminded me that my heart should never turn to stone in that way. Don't get me wrong, no one should stay in an unhealthy friendship, but did I really turn to Jesus in that particular circumstance? No. At the time I only thought of me and my needs. Rebecca writes that as a bridesmaid, the relationship of the bride and groom is more important than her relationship with me. My end goal is not to glorify myself, but Him instead. She says, "The groom is the main event."

I wonder what would happen if I was brave enough to get the brides in my life down the aisle? What would happen if I helped to build His kingdom by actually encouraging the brides in my life and speaking His truth? What if I was brave enough to be a reflection of the groom himself?


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