I tell myself a hundred times that I will never find myself in the situation of combing through her junk and wanting to take the easy way out by just burning it all.
Dust, toys, paper, trash, dirty laundry, clean laundry, books, broken pencils, crumbs, and crayons. You name it, it's in there.
How many times do I find myself in a life situation completely overwhelmed asking myself how I ended up there again?
Tonight I decided that if I wanted to see a change, I had to make one. I realized the pattern of mess was highly influenced by the amount of junk we permitted in her room. So, I let go. I let go of the broken toys and the working ones that haven't been played with. I let go of the copies of artwork, knowing that saving only a few was enough. I let go of bags of clothes and imagined another little girl being blessed by them.
I'm in no way a professional organizer or minimalist, but a change is necessary. Letting go of the unused and the unnecessary will open doors for space and freedom.
There's something so freeing about letting go. Sometimes we hold on to stuff for fear of missing out. We hold on to people and things, afraid that we will lose ourselves. It takes bravery to let go and courage to release all things familiar and wait for the unknown. I want less stuff and more of Him. Cleaning Little Miss' room and loading three bags with stuff to donate was the first step.
I think I needed to hear this today. I have so many things(they have become my comfort) I need to let go of and I'm praying that God will give me the strength to let go of everything that He needs me to let go of.